Essential Principles of Design

What is design? And who are designers? Quite frankly, what does any of that matter if you’ve got a copy of Photoshop? I want to talk about this and share with you three essential ideas I think every designer has to understand to produce good work. Good design doesn’t grow on trees, it takes years of practice and endless iteration.

Videos of Note From 2014

I want to share a few of the videos I marked as favourites over the course of 2014. There are only a handful this year as I was a lot busier and didn’t find myself spending much time looking up VFX breakdowns or watching very many short film. 2014 was just a difficult year for…

On the Media and the Free Press

As you are no doubt aware, some pretty significant happenings have taken place in the United States this week that have trained the eyes of the global media on a singular story. I am, of course, referring to the Grand Jury decision in the case of the shooting death of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson. However,…

The X Files

I missed out on this cultural waypoint of the 1990s, second grade was too early to get hooked on a television show for me. At the time it was also way outside of my comfort zone. Even as an adult I have an overactive imagination, but as a child it was a problem because I wasn’t yet old enough to not believe everything I saw on television. So far my favourite episode is very close to the end of season two where Cigarette Smoking Man™ is visibly shaken by coming close to public exposure. That moment of fear and weakness from the villain is pretty rewarding.