The Civil Competency and Qualifications Act

The Civil Competency and Qualifications Act SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS; PURPOSE. SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the “Civil Competency and Qualifications Act” or the “Civics Act of 2023”. TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of contents for this Act is as follows: Sec 1. Short Title; Table of Contents; Purpose Sec 2.…


[…] it shall be a felony for any government official, officer or staffer of any government official, or any candidate seeking such a position of Public Trust, to, through the execution of their duties, powers, and/or official functions, knowingly and/or wilfully lie, mislead, or otherwise deceive the public; defame, slander, libel, or vilify a Person or private entity; or misrepresent the facts, data, or science of any matter over which the Office in which they serve or seek to serve has jurisdiction, influence, or regulatory authority.