First Summer in Washington

Today draws to a close, with the beginning of October, the Summer of 2023, my first in Washington state. And oh, boy! What a summer it has been. Where to begin… I moved in May and we sorta hit the ground running. Hiking and camping every weekend—before we added kayaking into the mix—pretty much all…

Two Thousand Twenty

Frankly, I accomplished nothing significant in my personal life in 2019. Professionally, I made a great many significant accomplishments, award wins, and project milestones, which I won’t detail or get into, this blog isn’t really about that. But personally, I just didn’t do much of anything special. 

A Service Dog?

At first, my reaction to the idea was surprise and amused denial, but as the conversation has progressed I’ve come to see it as an incredible opportunity. This is something that I’ve discussed with my doctors, agonized over privately, talked about with friends and family, completely abandoned, and returned to repeatedly for months. Adopting and utilizing a service dog, it should be obvious, is not a decision I have approached lightly.

Spring Cleaning: Living with ADHD

I was diagnosed with ADD in the third grade after a week of tests and doctors visits. This is a topic I’ve circled for a long time, never really sure if I wanted to write something about it or to describe my personal experiences for fear of focusing the spotlight on myself and inviting the stigma of “mental health issues” our country is famous for. But in case you’ve ever wondered, this is what ADHD is like on a daily basis…

Life After Facebook

Honestly, life without Facebook is no different than life with Facebook. The apocalypse scenario you’re imagining isn’t real, and I certainly haven’t fallen into a hole in which no one can contact me. In fact, I’d say life is a little better.

Pumpkin Pie

This past Tuesday, the first day of autumn, I fractured the fifth metacarpal in my hand by punching the counter. It wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done. It wasn’t the dumbest either, if you can believe that. On Friday I had surgery to set the bone and insert two (or possibly three, the surgeon didn’t specify and I can’t see my hand yet) pins/wires to hold the finger straight. Since then I’ve had to explain what happened and why more times than I can remember. I figure if it’s that interesting, I should probably write about it. I’ll apologise in advance for the bad flow, sentence structure, and word choice/use ahead of time—I’m on some pretty serious pain killers, guys.