A Service Dog?

At first, my reaction to the idea was surprise and amused denial, but as the conversation has progressed I’ve come to see it as an incredible opportunity. This is something that I’ve discussed with my doctors, agonized over privately, talked about with friends and family, completely abandoned, and returned to repeatedly for months. Adopting and utilizing a service dog, it should be obvious, is not a decision I have approached lightly.

Native American Heritage Month

For the last year I’ve been hoping that this year I would see and hear and read more about it before the end of the month. And, unfortunately, I haven’t. I’m shocked to find that my last-minute catch of a short mention of Native American Heritage Month last year wasn’t the fluke I had hoped it was. There’s hardly any mention in the national or local media. (Featured image is borrowed from http://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/)

Thank Your Teachers

Take a look back and recognize those who helped shape your path and thank them. Reach out to your teachers, friends, and coworkers and let them know you appreciate them. Let them know what an impact they have had on you and your life and send them genuine thanks. No one got to where they are in life by themselves, not a single person, so take a moment to thank those who have helped you.